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Careers Programme Information
A young person’s career is their pathway through learning and work. We have a programme of activities to help them make choices that are right for them and to be able to manage their careers throughout their lives. We provide our students with access to careers information and guidance.
Careers Leader – Sharon Murphy, Sharon.Murphy@theartsxchange.com
The careers programme is designed to meet the needs of students at The College. It is differentiated and personalised to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of career learning, planning and development.
Students are entitled to careers education and guidance that meets professional standards of practice and is person-centred, impartial and confidential. It will beintegrated into students’ experience of the whole curriculum and based on a partnership with students and their parents or carers. The programme will promote equality of opportunity, inclusion and anti-racism.
ArtsXchange Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy ArtsXchange: Provider Access Policy Statement
Careers Curriculum
The careers programme includes careers education sessions, career guidance activities (group work and individual interviews), information and research activities, work-related learning, work experience opportunities and individual learning planning/portfolio activities. Other focused events, e.g. a Higher Education Fair are provided from time to time. Work experience preparation and follow-up take place in appropriate parts of the curriculum.
Students are actively involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of activities.
Arts Xchange Careers Framework with Learning Outcomes and Opportunities
An annual Partnership Agreement is negotiated between the school and the local Connexions Service which identifies the contributions to the programme that each will make.
All students have the opportunity with our Careers Advisor, Marlene, for a careers interview and to have a Careers Action Plan. Marlene is in school on Thursdays and is available to offer support, guidance and advice to all students regarding their next steps. If you would like to speak with Marlene to discuss your young person’s next destination options, please contact her, or the school office to make an appointment.
For further information about our careers programme please contact Sharon Murphy by calling the College on 02045684747
Exciting Career Events
Upcoming Opportunities for the New Year London
Careers Festival Workshops (February 2025):
• Explore Diverse Careers in the Sports Industry • Content Creation Masterclass • MACE: Introduction to Construction • Cultural and Creative Careers Day SIMIAN London Academy of Sustainable Construction Workshop and
Meet the Employer’ event (13/02/25) Employer Encounter @ Hackney Empire
Work experience opportunity with Mediorite